I can't write for long. I have a date.
With Edward.
I learned something very important this week: Humor yourself. But, I think it's more than that-- you have to be able to laugh at yourself, love yourself, and then humor yourself and support yourself in all your stupid, quirky, little passions that keep life interesting. In my case, I'm trying very hard not to judge myself, because I just started reading Twilight.
Actually, I started reading Twilight yesterday. Today I'm reading New Moon. That's how bad it's gotten. :) Don't worry, I'm not going to start wearing Team Edward or Team Jacob t-shirts (Team Edward), or waiting outside movie theatres for days. But, forgive me if I make a detour on my trip home to stop at Borders and pick up the next installment.
I think we all have things that we love that aren't particularly flattering. Maybe you're a football player who actually likes the ballet classes you're forced to take. Maybe you're a physicist who doesn't actually like science fiction. I happen to be an English Major at an Ivy League university who's in love with so-called trashy plebeian literature (don't get me started. I took all the courses, I will tell you why they're not trashy or plebeian). If I have to tell the truth, my two favorite authors are Sophie Kinsella and J.K. Rowling. Try telling that to your Poetry and Poetics class.
And so I advocate-- let's humor ourselves. We don't have to jump out of the closet just yet, (although I seem to be outing myself online) but the very least we can do is stop feeling guilty about what we truly love. If we're worried about what everyone else will think, at least we can not think bad things ourselves. Go take that ballet class. I bet they have a night courses after football practice.
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