Friday, July 2, 2010

Think Positive Thoughts

I've been a little down lately, so I'm going to list 10 positive things that are going on in my life:

1) I will be spending the 4th of July with friends, not alone, like I thought I was going to be. AND, we are going to BIKE to the fireworks! :)

2) Creativity calls for cutting yourself slack. That means I need to stop beating myself up for not writing a ton every day. I am making progress on my project, and I think it's actually good.

3) I love my job.

4) I live in California. And the past two days have been sunny.

5) Today, I invented a new type of yoga. And tomorrow I am going to write it down, and then make a book deal, and then I will be RICH.

6) I've found it in myself to start doing yoga again.

7) I have solved the problem of the water heater. (The neighbor's water heater is RIGHT NEXT to my bedroom wall, meaning that when they wake up at 6 am every morning, I do too. Now, I wake up at 5 am and move to the couch. It's working very well for me, seriously.)

8) I learn something new every day.

9) Tomorrow, I'm going to go see Toy Story 3, with my grandparents. And, they decided to drive up to see me, instead of me driving far away.

10) Tonight, I made a mini-molten-chocolate cake in the microwave. Yay for Trader Joe's!

It's not much, but it's something. If you can come up with 10 good things in your life, things can't be that bad. :)

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