Monday, June 14, 2010

The Happiness Project Toolbox

I just started my "Happiness Project Toolbox" yesterday. It's a website run by Gretchen Rubin that helps ordinary people like me organize their thoughts on happiness into six categories: Resolutions, Personal Commandments, Inspiration Board, Lists, One-Sentence Journal, and Secrets of Adulthood. It also allows you to keep in contact with other people interested in happiness--kind of like Facebook for Happiness junkies.

Right now, I don't have anything on my Inspiration Board, or any real Personal Commandments (other than get 8 hours of sleep a night), or even any Secrets of Adulthood. I figure those will come as I go. But, I am starting to post my resolutions, and keep track of them. I'm making lists of things I'm doing, want to do, and have done. And I'm writing down all of my reflections, both the morning and the night, so when I look back on things, I'll remember them.

I've decided whoever said "ask and you shall receive" (was it the Bible?) was right. The more I look for help in life, the more I find it. It's only when I don't look that I think the world is unhelpful.

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