Sunday, June 20, 2010


When faced with complete failure (i.e. I have not written in my blog, or logged any of my resolutions, or really striven to keep then) I have two choices:

1) Give up.
2) Rally, and try again.

Hm. Since I'm writing this, you can probably guess which one I've decided on.

Last week was actually quite awesome. I can't say this project isn't working, it just isn't working... to my satisfaction. I can do better. It all starts with... SLEEP. Last week was terrible (resolution wise) because I was woken up at 6 am every morning by my neighbor's water heater. I tried to "make the best of it" and be "grateful" but at 6 am that's simply not possible. Tomorrow I'm going to go to the mall and invest in noise canceling headphones.

So, the goals for the week:
  • Blog regularly.
  • Work on my screenplay--have a 3 page outline by Friday.
  • FOCUS on my relationship. If there's one resolution I've absolutely failed, it's that one. 
  • SLEEP/Relax. Meditate. Do SOMETHING to get energy during the day. Exercise if possible. 
  • Do coverages. It's work I've haven't had time to do, and when I get home I've been too tired/avoiding it and it's guilting me.
  • DO NOT PUTZ. Be efficient with what I do. 
Let's see how this week goes...

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